In 2019 the Neverending Day spot for UFA was well received, got a ton of attention, and won a bunch of awards. Building on the Cinematic Realism of this earlier work together and continuing in the same compellingly contemporary authentic vein, UFA COVERED is intended to feel as though we are experiencing privileged glimpses into the rhythms of everyday rural real life in real time at a neighbor’s farm down the road a few years later, embracing beautiful grit and not sanding-down the perfect-imperfection of real life. Everything feels true and tangible. UFA has got you covered—premium products; friendly service; helpful agents; and tons of convenient locations. Above and beyond that though, they GET YOU. So, while the narrative of a farm family who are setting out on a busy (yet quietly magical) roll your sleeves up day is both strong and clear, the lensing and the directorial approach underscores the ways in which UFA helps our heroes get it done. It’s about nuance and texture, really delving into the details, always striving to be emotional, cinematic, and rooted in character, evoking a sense of authenticity, deepening relationships, and honest moments.

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